A Short History of Disaster Recovery

Author: MarĂa Serna
Corporate Marketing @Quistor
The history of DR has evolved at the same rate as technology has evolved and with it the processes in the companies that have adopted them. I propose a brief journey through this history, in order to be aware of where we are nowadays.
We start with the 1970s, the years of Peace and Love. In these years, companies made copies of their records, it was the only way to do it. But it was during the 1970s that we began to see the importance of DR, that companies were becoming more and more dependent on computer operations. Technology was gaining ground, and DR planning was gaining importance.
An important moment in this history was the day in 1983 when the US government urged banks to have a verifiable backup plan. This was a moment when companies became aware of the significant losses they were exposed to in the event of a probable interruption of service. Thus, they began to look at plausible long-term scenarios and designed DRs to deal with possible interruptions.
The year 2000 arrived, with the much-heralded Y2K, which predicted something like the media apocalypse - what a time those were! In those years, companies were already starting to rely more and more on general online services. The revolution came, Big Data, Cloud, mobiles, social networks, and the data party began.
Companies were faced with a quantity of data to store that they had never encountered before, and it was growing exponentially. At this point, DR plans had to become more complex.
Then came Cloud Computing, the most recent addition to this story. Known as DRaaS, it alleviates the complexities of Disaster Recovery by allowing the outsourcing of these plans and solutions.
If you want to know more about our DRaaS services, do not hesitate to contact us, or download this white paper that our colleagues Olivia Maengkom and Clariska van Delft have created.
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